One year after the Japanese earthquake
After last year’s earthquake, I have the feeling I am still wandering in a shapeless and fluid world. However, I feel like have more colors and depth than so far. Besides, I am constantly looking for a more solid and moral painting. In Japan, we have lost many material things due to catastrophes but I think that people have gained others, other things that you cannot see. As an artist, I am very concerned (sensitive) by these changes and I am sure that something new has started. Last year I saw my grandmother’s birth town totally destroyed. I was absolutely amazed, I will never be able to see what I have seen. It was as if all my memories had disappeared with the giant tsunami and from now I am looking for safe values which cannot be seen with our own eyes, which cannot disappear. I think most Japanese people look for quietness and peace; that is why I also am after something spiritual and not material. However, since last year, I am astonished by the strength of nature. Strangely enough, at the bottom of my heart, I feel like rebuilding my moral strength and revive my imaginative and creative powers. I do think this feeling comes naturally when you have lost everything.[…] Diary n°1837