head information


Summer exhibition in Japan: 2016

Personal exhibition

July 25th-30th 11h-19h
Gallery Simon
BILD Sinpo3F 6-13-7 Ginza Chuo city Tokyo
TEL:03-3541-2511  http://g-simon.com/a_topics.html

The Artists from Iwate

August 4th-10th 10h-19h
Kawatoku gallery
1-10-1 Saien Morioka Iwate
TEL:019-651-1111  http://www.kawatoku.com/

Personal exhibition at the Gallery Lirio in Japan: 2015

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Gallerie Lirio

Exhibition summer : 2013

Shirota Gallery, Tokyo
Internet link
Exhibition in 2008

img 7427

img 7430

Kawatoku Gallery

Gallerie Kawatoku

Gallerie Kawatoku

Gallerie Kawatoku