My paintings were delivered to the “Monaka” shopping center, which was completed in downtown Morioka this summer...
I have known Kazuaki TAKAHASHI since the early 2010s. My two daughters were very attracted to the Japanese language and culture, and a mutual friend brought our three families together. Since then, my wife and I have been following and enjoying the paintings of this Japanese artist living in France....
This high school is located on a small tree-covered hill. From afar, it looks like a castle. In the springtime, the school is in a perfect environment, with cherry trees in full bloom. It was at this high school...
The New York Times named Morioka as one of the 52 places to visit in 2023, just after London. This is the town where I lived until I was twenty, surrounded by mountains, where the clouds come down low. My good friend Matsumoto grows apples in Otobe and every...
The director of the ophthalmology clinic, Mr. Mori, has long supported my painting activities. I designed the new clinic in my hometown, Ichinohe, as well as the clinic's logo.
I designed the renovated waiting room of the Morioka South Hospital which also incorporated my paintings. The hospital management asked me to create a tropical image in a northern country, so I used warm colors.
On the occasion of a visit to my exhibition in Tokyo, the art critic Takeshi KANAZAWA gave me the following text
The year has just started. Through my workshop window, I can see the bear trees. I remember so well when I was young: I would spend a lot of time drawing the trees outside, even when the weather was tough.
After last year’s earthquake, I have the feeling I am still wandering in a shapeless and fluid world. However, I feel like have more colors and depth than so far. Besides, I am constantly looking for a more solid and moral painting.
I have just finished the design for the biscuit tin which will soon come out at the Tadashi YANAGI’s bakery. We are close friends: we do not belong to the same professional world but we are both passionate for our job.
Kazuaki TAKAHASHI has been living in France for 30 years. He came to this country in 1979 when he was 20. Thirty years may sound like nothing, but it must have meant difficulties of all sorts. However, you cannot feel it throughout his artistic work.German expressionism...
I designed the stained-glass windows on the façade of Hanamaki church, in my wife's home town, at the time of its new construction, by the Shuzon workshop in Morioka.
I've been going to the Seine for a year now. The colors of nature give me rhythm, and when I try to capture the rhythm of the colors in nature, strangely enough I feel a force of pictorial creation. When you get into nature, I think it's important not to think about...
At the time of the new construction of the Tatesakabashi church in my hometown, I designed its new stained-glass windows. They were made by the French glassmaker, Meliava Guy. At the same time, I designed the layout and furnishing of the chapel.